Janes Spinal Care

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety Related to Chiropractic Care

As anxiety and depression become more prevalent, individuals wonder what can be done to help them manage. It may surprise you that some people are successfully using chiropractic care to control symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Chiropractic care offers a holistic approach to care, concentrating on correcting physical symptoms such as spinal misalignments to promote mental wellness. This natural and risk-free approach to overall health has shown promising results for mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Let’s look at how chiropractic care can help people who suffer from anxiety or depression.

What Are the Root Causes of Anxiety and Depression?

Several factors can induce anxiety and depression. One of the primary causes of these two mental diseases is stress. Various factors, including financial difficulties, family concerns, or poor health in general, influence stress. Anxiety can manifest itself in multiple ways, such as medication-induced anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, and social anxiety disorder.

While both can develop independently, depression is frequently a secondary consequence of anxiety. Depression, like anxiety, is classified into several categories. Bipolar depression, persistent depressive illness, and clinical depression are among the most frequent.

What Are the Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression?

While the physical symptoms of anxiety and depression vary from person to person, they can include aches and pains, inability to sleep, excessive drowsiness, headaches, inability to rest and relax, and muscle stiffness or tension. Physical symptoms add to the mental troubles of anxiety and sadness.

What Can Chiropractic Care Do for My Depression and Anxiety?

Here’s an in-depth look at how chiropractic care can benefit people who suffer from anxiety and despair.

Finding the Right Balance for Your Mind and Body

It’s all about balance, like with most things in life. Balancing how the mind and body interact can help with anxiety and depression. Correcting spinal misalignments allows the body to operate efficiently, allowing the mind to focus on what it needs to recover. It’s all about finding a happy medium between mental health, exercise, nutrition, and spinal health to see what has the most significant positive impact on your physical and mental health.

Positive Hormones Are Released

Chiropractic adjustments cause the release of beneficial hormones such as cortisol and oxytocin throughout the body. These hormones have the potential to improve your entire health and well-being. They can alleviate pain from inflammation, reduce stress, and boost feelings of social bonding to improve your entire mental state.

Chiropractic care releases Endorphins. Endorphins are a hormone that promotes happiness throughout the body. They not only improve your mood, but they can also relieve pain. According to research, endorphin levels that are too low can lead to depression.

The endorphins released by chiropractic adjustments have analgesic properties. As a result, any painful bodily symptoms induced by anxiety or depression will leave. Depending on your body type, these endorphins can last anywhere from a few days to a month.

Neurotransmitters malfunction due to depression and anxiety. However, Endorphins provide a sense of calmness. A chiropractor will make an adjustment that corrects this by resetting the chemistry of your brain, particularly in your frontal cortex. The frontal cortex is the area that frequently deals with symptoms caused by these two disorders.

Encourages Sleep

Insomnia is a severe side effect of these two problems. This is because fear causes your body to release adrenaline, which might keep you awake. 

If you have anxiety and depression, your body may not make enough melatonin. This natural hormone alerts your body when it is time to sleep. Furthermore, these levels are usually insufficient if you suffer from anxiety or depression.

A chiropractor can help with this by performing adjustments that repair your central nervous system. Your body’s production of melatonin is linked to this mechanism. This will assist your body in producing and releasing more melatonin, allowing you to sleep.

All Natural Approach

Anxiety and depression medications can have unpleasant side effects such as insomnia, weight gain, and exhaustion. Chiropractic therapy is completely natural and has no adverse effects when it comes to reducing anxiety and depression.

Reduces Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure can be caused by anxiety and depression. Studies have shown that blood pressure can be lowered through chiropractic care, which can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. As they use chiropractic care to manage their symptoms, people suffering from mental health issues may feel more at peace and stability.

Relieves Tension

Muscle stiffness is another prevalent side effect of anxiety and depression. Chiropractic care improves not only spinal health but also musculoskeletal health. This is done by relieving muscle tightness and tension. This tension can cause headaches and stiffness.  Reducing these uncomfortable feelings can go a long way toward assisting people suffering from anxiety and depression in finding rest and relaxation.

Prevents Brain Fog

Anxiety and depression can overwhelm your brain. This can cause brain fog, causing you to lose mental clarity and making it difficult to recall memories and focus.

Chiropractic care can aid in the treatment and prevention of brain fog. To determine the severity of your brain fog, your chiropractor will most likely ask some questions. This information will help them understand what is going on with your body. Chiropractic takes a whole-body approach and looks at all aspects, including lifestyle.  

They will then feel around your spine and upper neck to discover if any vertebrae have shifted out of place. Because your brain is linked to them, this misplacement could be the source of the problem. They will then tweak your spine to realign it.

Jane’s Spinal Care

Chiropractic care can assist if you or someone you care about suffers from anxiety or depression. Regular chiropractic care focuses on whole-body health to improve both physical and mental health. Contact Jane’s Spinal Care to schedule your initial appointment and learn more about the benefits of chiropractic care for coping with anxiety and depression.

depression and anxiety

Get Treatment For Depression and Anxiety Today!

Janes Spinal Care offers personalized care as a part of our full chiropractic services. Contact our team of chiropractic professionals today to schedule your consultation!