Janes Spinal Care


How Chiropractic Care Helps Vertigo

If feeling disoriented has become a part of your daily existence, you’re probably ready to do whatever it takes to never suffer from vertigo again. If you’re confused about what’s left, right, up, or down, it’s time to take this alarming and debilitating disorder seriously.

Have you ever thought about chiropractic care to help with your vertigo? Studies have shown that patients receiving chiropractic care for vertigo symptoms have less neck pain, dizziness, and better balance.

What is Vertigo?

When you have vertigo, it takes a long time to discover what is wrong with you. This is because the sensations are so unusual and perplexing. You may wonder if you’re experiencing mental distress or physical distress, or a combination of the two. Vertigo symptoms differ from person to person. However, the general sensation associated with this syndrome is one of spinning. Here’s a look at some of the disorienting symptoms of vertigo:

  • Sweating
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Rapid, jerking eye motions
  • Hearing loss
  • Ringing in the ears that is constant or intermittent.
  • A broad sense of being “off-kilter.”
  • When standing or sitting quietly, there is a sensation of swaying or tilting.
  • The sensation that the room is spinning.
  • Dizziness, either severe or minor.

This ailment is especially frightening because the symptoms might appear at any time. That means you may feel as though you’re being spun about when doing everything from driving your car to sitting at a table eating a meal. Some people experience symptoms almost continuously. Others appear to suffer from sudden vertigo spells that occur without warning. People suffering from vertigo may lose faith in their ability to remain physically steady since the symptoms can be so severe that they cannot stand without assistance.

A Little-Known Root Cause

There isn’t always a clear answer as to why someone suffers vertigo. Vertigo is thought to be caused by problems with the inner ear. Vertigo is believed to be caused by underlying illnesses and traumas in the ear, head, and neck regions. Here is a list of factors associated with vertigo:

  • Predisposition to migraines.
  • Medications that cause ear damage.
  • Calcium deposits in the ear canal.
  • Any type of pressure or fluid accumulation within the ear.
  • Ear inflation caused by infections
  • inflammation.
  • Injuries to the head
  • Injuries to the neck

When suffering from this ailment, it’s always a good idea to see a doctor to rule out any potential causes, such as a tumor in or near the head. However, most people who experience vertigo do not suffer from a tumor or abnormal development. For most patients, treatment should primarily focus on restoring balance to the head, neck, and surrounding area.

What You Should Know About Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic therapy has the potential to be beneficial in treating vertigo caused by a variety of factors. If vertigo starts with fluid buildup in the inner ear, the underlying cause is frequently in the upper cervical vertebrae. The inner ear, which is nerve-connected to the upper cervical vertebrae, cannot function properly if the cervical vertebrae are misaligned or blocked. We also know that spinal subluxations frequently cause a stopped or irregular cerebral spinal fluid flow. Finally, a blockage of this fluid can result in a backup of fluid in the inner ear, resulting in uncomfortable pressure that appears as disorientation, headaches, nausea, and other common vertigo symptoms.

As you can see, a symptom that develops in the head and ears frequently originates in the neck and spine. This is why simple pain management or drainage treatments for inner-ear disorders frequently fail. Chiropractors approach the problem to identify and treat the underlying cause. In general, this refers to chiropractic adjustments that aid in the alignment of the upper cervical vertebrae. Research has shown that spinal manipulations have provided relief in some patients that are experiencing vertigo.

As a chiropractic office, we employ a variety of procedures to assist with the ailment. This will include using various adjustment techniques based on your unique symptoms to break up any blockages generating fluid buildups.

Many people discover that their symptoms improve after just one chiropractic appointment. While encouraging, this should not be used to justify skipping comprehensive chiropractic workup. The quick relief does not always indicate that the problem has been resolved. It implies that enough appropriate realignment has occurred to assist break up some of the fluid causing the issue.

Comprehensive Treatment Strategy

Yes, many people have successfully used chiropractic treatments alone to alleviate dizziness, headaches, neck pain, nausea, and other vertigo symptoms. 

As a result, chiropractic therapy for vertigo nearly always emphasizes lifestyle concerns contributing to or exacerbating vertigo symptoms. Excessive coffee drinking and certain foods might worsen the dizziness and nausea associated with vertigo. Furthermore, poor posture when sitting at a desk or performing repetitive movements as part of work activities can aggravate vertigo. Finally, untreated eye problems or lengthy periods of looking at a screen might also worsen vertigo symptoms.

Is It Time to Visit a Chiropractor?

If you are anxious for relief and a return to normalcy due to vertigo, it is worthwhile to seek a natural and effective remedy. When working with Jane’s Spinal Care, our goal is always to get to the root of the problem so that your body can enter “repair mode.” You will also get to explore how your lifestyle may contribute to your vertigo symptoms. Our goal is to both get rid of it and keep it gone!

We all become dizzy from time to time, whether it’s from standing up too quickly or staring at an optical illusion for too long. 

Call today if you suffer from Vertigo, and let us help.  We understand how debilitating it can be.  Jane’s Spinal Care is there every step of the way. We offer chiropractic services to assist our patients with Vertigo and other ailments.  Furthermore, we can look at your lifestyle.

Whatever the cause of concern, Jane’s Spinal Care is there to help our clients get back their life.  We understand that having this ailment or other ailments can significantly affect your lifestyle. Contact us today!


Get Treatment For Vertigo Today!

Janes Spinal Care offers personalized care as a part of our full chiropractic services. Contact our team of chiropractic professionals today to schedule your consultation!