Janes Spinal Care

Vagus Nerve / Vagal Tone

What is the Vagus Nerve / Vagal Tone?

Chiropractic therapy, at its core, aids in the improvement of nervous system function by adjusting the spine. It can appear confusing and convoluted to those unfamiliar with the neurological system. But the more you understand your nervous system, the better you comprehend chiropractic therapy and how it works.

The vagus nerve is a significant component of the nervous system. It is essential to the overall health and balance of your body. We may access the vagus nerve as chiropractors without surgery or medication to regulate your neurological system and enhance your immune system.

What exactly is the vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body, beginning in the brain and passing via the lungs, heart, pancreas, spleen, liver, and digestive system. This nerve is an important aspect of the parasympathetic nervous system, usually known as the rest and digest system. The sympathetic nervous system is different. That system is responsible for fight or flight.  

Because it sends signals from the brain to the organs it governs, the vagus has several responsibilities. These responsibilities include regulating heart rate. This plays an important part in blood pressure and can improve gastrointestinal disorders.

It is also crucial to note that for your immune system to function properly, the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) must cooperate and complement one another. If these nervous systems are out of balance, it can lead to various diseases and health problems.

How can we assess the vagus nerve’s productivity?

Every one of us is believed to have a distinct Vagal tone. The strength of our tone is determined by how soon our bodies can relax after being stressed. The stronger your vagus activity or tone, the faster your body recovers from a stressful event.

When a person has low vagal activity or diminished vagus nerve activity, the body experiences irregularities in the organs and digestive system. This is because the vagus nerve controls these systems. If the brain cannot process the information flowing in, it will be unable to solve any problems that arise.

Vagal tone (VT).

An ECG, which measures heart rate, can be used to diagnose VT. HRV is an abbreviation for heart rate variability.

High vagal tone improves your body’s ability to regulate blood glucose levels, lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Low vagal tone, on the other hand, has been linked to chronic inflammation. Inflammation, as part of the immune system, can help the body heal after an injury, but it can also harm organs and blood vessels if it persists when it is not needed.

What is the relationship between the vagus nerve and the immune system?

To defend the rest of your body, your immune system’s first response is to inflame the diseased, wounded, and stressed area. Inflammation is completely normal as long as it is only transitory. Once your immune system has dealt with the stress, damage, or illness and your body feel safe, it begins to relax and restore balance.

This is when your parasympathetic nervous system, of which the vagus nerve is a major component, kicks in. Furthermore, stress from the injury or illness is lessened, heart and breathing rates return to normal, and inflammation starts to fade.

However, if this neurological system is not functioning properly, heart and breathing rates might remain raised. Inflammation can persist, eventually becoming chronic. This creates the possibility of health issues. However, chiropractic therapy can be beneficial in this situation.

Why is Your Nervous System’s Equilibrium so Important?

Keeping your vagus nerve and nervous system healthy is critical to your overall health and wellness. A healthy neurological system maintains your body’s functions running smoothly, including your immune system.

If your vagus nerve is not functioning properly, it can lead to various health problems connected with chronic inflammation. Some of these conditions are:

  • Infection susceptibility
  • Acid Reflex Skin Disorders
  • Chronic discomfort
  • Blood pressure is high.
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Infections of the urinary tract
  • Diabetes


Because the nervous system is compromised by the brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves, obtaining a chiropractic adjustment can assist your nervous system, and the vagus nerve works better. This, in turn, improves the overall performance of your body.

One of the most essential nerves in the body is the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve regulates and controls vital automatic functions such as hormone therapy, digestion, respiration, breathing, heart rate, and many others. Normal body function is dependent on the vagus nerve’s health and ability to send, receive, and perceive nerve information.

Chiropractors and Vagus Nerve

Because of the connection between vital nerves and the spine and upper neck, the vagus nerve is very relevant to chiropractors. Spinal health heavily influences the health of the vagus nerve. Furthermore, the information from the vagus nerve is disrupted when the spine’s location or ability to move freely changes. Chiropractors look at the overall spine alignment. We take a holistic approach to help our patients get the relief they need. With certain spinal manipulations, we can open up the channel of communication.

To test the function and efficiency of the Vagus nerve (HRV), we watch the heart rate of a patient. HRV is a measurement of autonomic vagal nerve activity. A higher HRV signifies higher output and a healthy individual.

Vagus nerve activity also connects to the frontal cortex, which directly impacts the regulation of lifestyle behaviors. Increased vagal nerve activity indicates a lower risk of serious chronic disease and inflammation. Furthermore, chiropractic care can help reduce chronic disease by making adjustments that directly affect vagal nerve function.

What is the meaning of a high vagal tone?

A high vagal tone enhances the performance of several physiological systems. This results in:

  • Fewer migraines.
  • Better digestion through greater production of stomach basic and digestive enzymes
  • Lower blood pressure
  • A decreased risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease
  • Better blood sugar regulation


One of the most intriguing aspects of the vagus nerve is that it reads the gut microbiome and triggers a response to adjust inflammation based on whether it recognizes pathogenic vs. nonpathogenic bacteria.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care helps patients with misaligned spines to improve the tone and function of the Vagus Nerve. Contact us today to learn more! We would be happy to assist.

Vagus Nerve / Vagal Tone

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