Janes Spinal Care

Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks and How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Chiropractic treatment is one method that many have used to address their panic attacks. A malfunction in the nervous system can cause panic attacks and other neurological illnesses. Displaced vertebrae cause a nerve obstruction in the neck or back. Studies have demonstrated chiropractic adjustments to help reduce some unpleasant symptoms of anxiety and depression, which lead to panic attacks. This is done by reducing any nerve blockages that may be present.

If you are suffering from panic attacks, consult with your doctor and chiropractor about building a multidisciplinary treatment plan that will benefit you and your specific symptoms. 

The possibilities for changing your mind and body become infinite once you realize the power of the mind-body link! This is precisely why so many people seek anxiety relief through chiropractic care. Yes, chiropractic treatments may help in the treatment of anxiety, constant worry, and excessive thinking. While there is no “quick fix” for anxiety, this treatment option has the potential to improve the quality of life for many persons seeking holistic, moderate anxiety remedies.

Chiropractic therapy has long been known to provide “psychological” advantages. In fact, a new study shows that chiropractic treatments provide long-term relief from tension-type headaches and serious depression. Let’s look at how chiropractic adjustments might assist persons suffering from anxiety and find a holistic, natural method to alleviate the weight of chronic anxiety, panic, and worry.

Anxiety as Seen Through a Chiropractic Lens

Many people who suffer from anxiety are constantly experiencing a “perfect storm” scenario! When internal causes and external triggers combine, It can cause a sense of being overwhelmed, leading to panic attacks. Here are some of the most prevalent symptoms associated with anxiety:

  • Phobias.
  • Panic attacks occur.
  • Constant concern.
  • Tension in the muscles.
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Constant exhaustion.
  • Difficulties falling or staying asleep.
  • Feelings of agitation.

As you can see, anxiety is a condition that affects both the mind and the body. This is precisely why it is so difficult to locate an acceptable and successful treatment option. It’s also the reason why so many popular therapeutic options fail.

Some specialists solely treat the “mental” side of anxiety. This can entail lengthy “talk therapy” sessions to identify the underlying reasons for anxiety. However, it is possible that there is something physically causing these issues too. Being checked out by a chiropractor will allow you peace of mind that it isn’t the cause.

Medications for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Other professionals concentrate on the physical side of anxiety. However, this often refers to attempting to “manipulate” the brain away from an anxious state through the use of drugs. Many patients find that anti-anxiety drugs have unpleasant side effects that leave them feeling drained and unmotivated. Many people are simply uncomfortable taking drugs that have the potential to alter their personalities. They also dislike the idea of coping with the cost, inconvenience, and long-term consequences of taking some severe medications. Furthermore, because we all react differently to drugs, finding the proper medication can be a lengthy trial-and-error process. In fact, it is not uncommon to experience severe adverse reactions to drugs while attempting to chemically treat anxiety.

If all-cognitive or all-medication approaches to treating anxiety leave you feeling unfulfilled, you don’t have to give up. There is a natural method to work on repairing your body and reducing anxiety. Let’s talk about how chiropractic therapy can help with anxiety treatment.

Spinal Misalignment and Anxiety

To begin, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to addressing anxiety. If you are experiencing anxiety symptoms, it is critical that you seek help from a certified mental health professional! This is especially true if your anxiety is accompanied by panic attacks or depression. However, it never hurts to have a little extra information on hand if you’re attempting to get to the bottom of the worry that’s making it tough to enjoy life. The central nervous system is a source of worry for some people.

Our central nervous system regulates hormones. These hormones send messages throughout our bodies to govern organ function and performance. We all know that hormonal imbalances can significantly impact our weight, sex drive, energy levels, sleep habits and emotions, and so much more. We also know that an obstruction and misalignment in the central nervous system can cause those critical hormone messages to malfunction.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

It is quite easy for a problem in our spine and neck to affect our central nervous system. A simple spinal injury or misalignment can cause a subluxation. This restricts the flow of information inside the nervous system. A slew of symptoms can resonate throughout the body with just one vertebra out of place. While we may experience discomfort as a result of a misalignment, that isn’t always the case. That means it’s rather typical for people to have subluxations in their central nervous system or spine without even realizing it.

Over time, a misalignment or subluxation can cause anxiety, mood disorders, poor sleep, headaches, loss of mobility, and discomfort. A person’s very worrisome symptoms may be mistaken for other significant medical disorders. In fact, an undiscovered subluxation can lead to a person seeking tests and therapies for years before eventually getting to the root of the problem with the assistance of a chiropractor!

A chiropractor can use targeted adjustments to bring a spinal misalignment or subluxation back into appropriate alignment. This method is beneficial for both pain relief and restoring natural communication within the central nervous system. As a result, the barrier that may have been causing anxiety symptoms may no longer interfere with hormonal messages in your body.

Additional Advantages

The primary goal of chiropractic care for panic attacks is to treat the underlying physical problem that is causing anxiety-provoking situations in your body. However, there are numerous more advantages that assist patients in the long run. Here’s an example:

Blood Pressure Reduction: Studies demonstrate that chiropractic visits can assist in lowering blood pressure levels. This is significant since high blood pressure increases stress and anxiety levels.

Chiropractic adjustments enhance the natural release of “relaxation” hormones such as neurotensin, oxytocin, and cortisol.

Sleep Support: Studies demonstrate that chiropractic therapy is associated with better sleep habits. This could be a game changer for people suffering from cognitive problems caused by a lack of sleep.

Relaxation: Studies demonstrate that the body is more relaxed after chiropractic adjustments.

Chiropractic adjustments can clearly create genuine relaxation, which has a physical and physiological impact on the body. 

Should You Consider Chiropractic Treatment for Panic Attacks?

To begin, while exploring anxiety-relief choices, there is no need to take an all-or-nothing approach. If you’re already working with a doctor or therapist to manage your anxiety, you can certainly continue with your current treatments when you begin chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is a gentle, natural, and medication-free approach to anxiety treatment that does not conflict with other anxiety or panic attack treatments.

If you suffer from frequent panic attacks or persistent anxiety then you may be an excellent candidate for chiropractic care. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a consultation!

panic attacks

Get Treatment For Panic Attacks Today!

Janes Spinal Care offers personalized care as a part of our full chiropractic services. Contact our team of chiropractic professionals today to schedule your consultation!